Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

The Self Love Project “LIMITED EDITION” series

When did we learn to judge our bodies and compare ourselves to others? Was it through age, relationships, society, etc.? It's time we embrace and value our bodies for everything they are and everything they've been through. Ultimately, our bodies are our most precious possession. The Self Love Project was created to eradicate all the negative and harmful thoughts we've told ourselves and have been told by others.

Boudoir Photography goes beyond just taking pretty pictures in lingerie. It's about showing clients a fresh perspective and reshaping their self-image.

Much Love


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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Boho Beauties

These beauties are rocking their boho vibes during our recent Group Empowerment Photo Event!

Group Empowerment Photo Events are the ultimate hype up event!!!! It’s a great opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, dress up for a themed group shoot, meet new like minded babes and ultimatley HAVE FUN!!!!

These beauties absolutely rocked our recent Boho Beauties themed shoot.

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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Embrace yourself, confidence is sexy.

Our Self-Love Project ‘love the skin you’re in’ edition is almost complete but all the babes that participated in this project have only begun the rippling effects of their new found confidence.

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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

The Self Love Project


When were we taught to criticize our bodies and compare ourselves to everyone else? Was it a certain age, relationships, society, etc.

It’s time we learn to love and appreciate our bodies for everything that they are and everything they’ve been through. In the end your body is all you have.

The Self Love Project was created to demolish all the bad, negative and worthless thoughts we’ve told ourselves and have been told by others.

During this group event participants demolished these words of hate by burning the paper that held these negative words.

Each participant also received a solo experience where they wrote themselves a love letter that we turned into artwork during their photo shoot! (These images can be found on separate blog posts)

Boudoir Photography is so much more than pretty pictures in lingerie. It’s capturing clients in a new light and reprogramming the self image they have of themselves.

Much Love


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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Love, Self

Recently we started our first series of The Self-Love Project “love the skin you’re in” edition. We asked clients to write themselves a love letter and then turned it into art. This project is intended to break down the barriers that society has taught us.

We are all perfectly imperfect. It’s time we find ourselves and accept our bodies as they are today!



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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Boho Babes

Our most recent group empowerment photo event was an evening of empowerment, connecting with other badass babes and creating artwork of an unforgettable experience!!!!

Can you believe these 7 babes had just met each other for the first time right before this event started?!

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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Hello, Beautiful!


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Sheri Hiller Sheri Hiller

Why NOT to do a Boudoir Shoot

Top excuses I hear from clients for not booking a Boudoir Experience.

As a Boudoir Photographer I have heard every excuse for not booking a session. Look. I completely understand not feeling comfortable in front of the camera (why do you think I have spend my entire life behind it, lol!). There are many reasons clients choose to book a Boudoir Experience. In this article I will break down the top 5 excuses I hear from clients on what is holding them back from booking their life changing, confidence boosting Boudoir Experience.

1- I need to lose weight first.

This is the number one reason that is holding clients back from having a life changing Boudoir Experience, “I need to lose weight first.” Here’s the thing, your shoot has to do with SO MUCH more than the shape of your body. I want to show you HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE TODAY, not after you lose XX pounds. You are not defined by your dimensions, so do not allow it to keep you from seeing your true beauty. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT TO FEEL SEXY AND BEAUTIFUL!

2- I’m too old.

This is NOT an excuse, this is only a reason to CELEBRATE your beautiful, badass self! I have photographed women of ALL AGES.

3-I just don’t have the money to spend on photos right now.

I understand. Everyone is on a budget, but you cannot look at this as just getting some photos. This is an investment in your self-confidence and well-being. Where else can you go, have a 5 hour experience and walk away feeling completely different about yourself?

Plus-I offer pre-payment installment plans (Boudie Bank) that are designed to work for your budget.

4-I don’t have anyone to give the images to.

Giving the gift of boudoir to a special someone is pretty awesome. But, What about giving the gift of Boudoir to YOURSELF? A Boudoir Experience is designed to make you feel beautiful, confident and sexy in your own skin. Can you think of a better gift to give yourself than that?

5-I don’t look as sexy as your other clients you share images of.

STOP! Yes you do! Everyone has features about them that make them special and unique in their own way.


I will pose you from your head to your toes so that you can see what I see in you.

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